Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2016

Search for Truth (Memoir)

I once read that between truth and the search for truth, opt for the second. I believe that sometimes, no matter how hard we search to find the truth, in the end, sometimes it just does not matter.

What is truth? Is it right or no? I don't know what to do. Because there's a Time that the our Heart and brain will fight together. There's a time that the our Brain said "STOP!" and there's a time that the our heart said "I CAN'T!" what I need going to do? well, this is the common Question. now, let's find out the Answer..

I have a friend, her name is Mariel, and she have a Boyfriend, I think the relationship of this two will be 2years. and she open me, she said that her boyfriend was cheating. and she always crying and confused of what she need going to do, and she said that there's a time that her heart and brain will fight together, And I confort her and I said that You must follow your Brain instead of your heart. You know why? bacause Your brain brings you to the Beautiful Future. And when Your heart will you always choose, there's nothing happen in your life. so in this situation, be wise. and always Think of what the effect of your decision. and I see her smile on me and she thanks me And now, She is single and contended happy with her friends and family. :)

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