Martes, Setyembre 27, 2016

Blind Self (Our Abilities)

  Are you familiar with the Word Blind Self? If not, Let's discuss, so the Blind Self, what is  known
about a person by others in the group, but is  unknown  by the person him / herself. So it is made by Johari Window. so if you can see in this picture, There's Four aspect of our Personality. 
-The Open Self 
-Hidden Self
-Blind Self
-Unknown Self
So The Johari Window model is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness and mutual understanding between individuals within a group. It is already discussed in Grade 11 so back to the topic, The Blind Self. Do you know someone else is there such cases like this? 
Well, I want to share with you the story of my Friend. :)

  I have a Friend, her name is Ericka, and yes shes's Good in Dancing. when she young, she always Join in every contest in Dancing until now, she is the one of member of dance troupe in our school. I know her and she love dancing unlike singing and Her habit is to dance, and when my Teacher said that they have a Singing battle in our room in every group, and one person only can sing in Front, and I our Group, there's no Good in singing and All my member was Good only in Dance so That time we will Groupmates. so No choice who someone to sing in front so everybody was panic because It is Grade so no choice and Erica said that she just seemed to sing and Of course, As a Leader in our Group, I Agreed with her. and when she sing in front, Oh my gosh!! Everyone's shocked because her voice was Beautiful <3 and Good to hear <3 and everyone's clap because of beautiful voice :) and when she finished, I talk to her, and I said, "Oh, your Actually Good in singing and why you do not say this in our classmates?" and she shocked again because she only knows just dance not to sing. and I told her that She actually Good singer, and she smile on me. So in this case, it is what we called a Blind Self because, Eveyone know that she is Good singer but She doesn't know of what is the Exact talent of her, but for us she is Talented Person. :)

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