Sabado, Setyembre 17, 2016

Drug Addiction in the Philippines (Latest news)

  Drug Addiction is a problem that has been increasing immensenly among our society today. it is most Problem of the Philippines. so that the our President Rodrigo Duterte was mad to those People take or involved in Drugs Sindicate. and I know most of us that the our President he killed the People who take in Drugs or Involved. Now, let's read..
   Drug Addiction can only hinder or restrain us from accomplishing goals or dreams in life.

   People sometimes feel  are too bright, too powerful, too in in much control to become addictive. Addiction can Trap anyone. It can lead to harmstring ones body, causing problems in family structure, and contribute to the deliquency in society.
     We are greatly influenced by the people around us. Today one of the teenage drug usage is Peer pressure.
    Peer Pressure represents social influences that affect us. It can have a Positive or Negative Effect, depending on what path one follows. There is direct and indirect pressure that might influences a Person's decision in using drugs. Direct Pressure, might be when a Person is offered to try drugs. Indirect Pressure, might be when a person is around people using drugs and sees that there is nothing wrong with using drugs. Adolescents who use drugs seek out peers who also use and, in turn, are influenced by those peers.
    A person might also try drugs just to fit in a social group, even if the person had no intentions of using drugs. Adolescents can try out different roles and observe the reactions of their friends to their behaviour and their appearance. One might do it just to be considered "cool" by the group.
    There are also other reason why people might turn to using drugs. Emotional distress, such as personal or family problems, having a low self-esteem, like loosing a close one, loosing a Job, or having no Friends, and Environmental stress are all possible factors to causing one to use drugs. and I know most of us that using drugs is a very Harmful to our health. It cause 2 possible factors its either Cancer or death so until early, Change our self. don't take drugs :) If You don't regret in the end. :)

3 komento:

  1. People now a days. There's a lot of crime in our country so we need an early action of this kind of cases

  2. True couz! That's why we need to early action of this kind of Crime.
